Unit 7: Time based problem solving in game design

Research Disney’s 12 animation principles Squash and Stretch -Gives the illusion of mass, weight and gravity -Adds fluidity and realism to a bouncing object  Anticipation -Used to prepare the audience for an action -Examples would be jumping, the knees would have to bend to force the person/animal up or someone looking at something before going to pick it up. […]

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Unit 5 – Concept art

Task 1: Research The Legend of Zelda The Legend of Zelda is a franchise created in 1986, with the release of the first game, by Japanese game designers Shigeru Miyomoto and Takashi Tezuka, under the publisher Nintendo. Since the first game, the franchise has amassed a net worth of $3.436 billion worldwide (as of 2018).A […]

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Unit 2 – Research Project

Describe and discuss Primary ResearchPrimary research is the collection of data done mostly by getting the data yourself. Examples of primary research are collecting data from a target audience directly (surveys, questionnaires, quizzes, etc.), interviewing people either over the phone of face-to-face, visiting taking photos of your own and producing your own sketches if studying […]

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Unit 1 – Robot Design

Task one – Research Ubisoft Ubisoft Entertainment SA (formerly known as Ubi Soft Entertainment SA) is a French games company headquartered in Montreuil, France. The company was founded on 28th March 1986 and was known as its former name from its founding date until 2003. The company is most well known for their games Assassins Creed, […]

Read More Unit 1 – Robot Design